Monday, September 3, 2007

One of those weeks.

It's been one of those days where every time I get up to go to the bathroom, I come back to 3 missed calls from 3 different people all wondering why their work isn't done yet (Hint: It's all the time I spend talking to you on the phone! If you left me alone think of all the extra time I'd have to do your work in.)

It's taken me 2 days so far to get access to an SSH gateway that allows me (eventually) into a certain customer's environment. For various reasons I need to get a 3GB database dump back to my local machine from a system nested behind 3 layers of NAT and only accessible through a certain chain of about 6 systems by SSH.

After constructing one of the most arcane ssh command lines I have ever seen, I discover that one server in the chain wont let me forward a port.

AllowTcpForwarding no

I think I'm going to burn someone. This particular server in the chain is really causing some grief for me given how ridiculously tightly it's locked down.

-bash: /bin/vi: Operation not permitted

Thanks guys. I really appreciate the way you help me do my job.

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