Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bright and shiny.

Unusually my job has been relatively sane lately, leaving me a dearth of things to write about. Today though, my main customer made me extremely nervous. There's a big project coming up to implement a certain kind of database cluster that's designed in a way I can only describe as 'special'. For a start, they think iscsi is reliable and that a single path to the storage backend is acceptable in an otherwise fully redundant system.

Part of the project is going to include upgrading their current SAN. Something I wasn't going to mention in front of the customer is that which choice of SAN product is something I need to know as early as possible. Damningly, the SAN offerings recommended to them by my own company have serious known issues with the kind of systems I'm going to be deploying.

The customer representative looked at me quite seriously.

"We haven't decided yet. I'm going to see what all the vendors are offering and pick the shiniest."

I have a horrid feeling shiniest means "It had a full page spread in $industryMagazine!" and that this product is going to end up being bleeding edge enough to be a real devil to integrate.

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