Thursday, November 29, 2007

Insert tab A into duck 7.

For the most part, documentation is something that you really want to see written and followed, and ideally kept up to date.

But what happens when you have bad documentation? You get hilarity.

$otherTeam was following documentation on how to set up their application. Alas, the documentation seemed to be written to assume no-one could ever resize disks, and required that the installer unmount /tmp and then symlink it deep into application land like /var/application/fluff/bits/things/tmp. We were using kerberos logins, which requires a writable /tmp. So $otherTeam unmounts /tmp and boom, no-one can log in any more. And then they exit their shell.


1 comment:

Olwen said...

Ducks? There are ducks involved in your infrastructure?

... I just don't want to know.