Thursday, December 20, 2007

Production changes

It's 3pm. You recieve an email demanding a bunch of changes to production systems. There's no plan attached, or any detail other than "apply things". Apply things turned out to be more complex in development when it was done, but still there's no plan or detail learnt from that attached to doing the same thing in production. And it's scheduled for 5pm.

Sometimes I really wonder why $customer doesn't understand that the reason their environment is often broken and misbehaving has something to do with How They Demand It Is Run.

1 comment:

Jack said...

And what's the bet when it comes crashing down in a pile of steaming 'you know what'.

It will be $customer on the phone complaining and failing to understand 'just how on earth could this have happened'.

Whoever coined the term common sense obviously never dealt with these $customers.